How to Get the Best Scrap Metal Prices in CT
It can seem like there’s a big difference between current market prices for metals and the check you at the recycling company. What gives?
Today we’ll take a look at how you can get the best possible prices for your scrap metals in Connecticut.
These suggestions will take some work, but should result in much better returns, helping you raise your profits while lowering your operation costs.
Get it cleaned up
Because of the work it takes to prepare scrap for recycling, you’ll get paid less for scrap that is dirty, has chemicals on it or is coated. When you take steps to make sure your scrap metals are as clean as possible, you’ll see a sharp increase in how much you’re paid for it.
Separate it by type
Because of time constraints, a scrap metal company will pay for the least expensive metal in a load for the entire load. If they took the time to separate all of it, it would take too long and would eat into their profits. By doing it for them, either by using different bins at your shop or having someone sort it before taking it to the recycler, you’ll see higher profits.
Reduce their trips
It takes fuel and manpower to run those big trucks, and if the recycler is making more trips than necessary for smaller amounts of scrap, you’ll see a lower per-pound price. If the room is available, store the metals until you have a full load.
Bring it to them
If you can deliver the scrap metal to them for less than their pickup cost, you won’t have to pay as much of their labor and transportation costs, which should show up as a better price for your scrap.
Now that you know the practices used by professional scrap sellers, put them to use in your business! Increasing the price you get for your scrap metals helps reduce your overhead and increase your profits.
If you have scrap lying around at your CT business, it’s time to put it to work! Instead of letting it take up precious operational space, contact us to take care of your scrap. Our diverse client base lets us offer you the best possible prices for your scrap while our honest policies promise a solid working relationship for years to come.
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